I’ve created something using reverse tags – when something isn’t tagged, it’s flagged up to say “Hey! This post hasn’t been checked yet!”
Now i’m wondering, is there a way to get the last tag created?
Do tags have modified / created dates? Is there a way of getting around this if they haven’t?
The user case I have is security patches for a CMS and I have a team who are documenting everything about it. I want them to create a new tag for the patch, then have a notice display saying “New patch available”
Anyone crossed anything like this before?
Following @PieterGoosen’s (credit due) train of thought hook onto the following:
function update_term_timestamps($term_id) {
switch( current_filter() ) {
case 'created_term':
update_term_meta($term_id, '_term_created_at', current_time('mysql', true));
case 'edited_term':
update_term_meta($term_id, '_term_edited_at', current_time('mysql', true));
add_action('created_term', 'update_term_timestamps');
add_action('edited_term', 'update_term_timestamps');
Now the meta data is accessible with:
//for created timestamp...
$timestamp = get_term_meta($term_id, '_term_created_at', true);
//for edited timestamp...
$timestamp = get_term_meta($term_id, '_term_edited_at', true);