Let assume I have the following page structure

/about-us (used as a parent holder only)
/about-us/history (real page)
/about-us/team (real page)
/about-us/industry (real page)

There is no content in the page “about-us “, but it is needed for two purpose

  1. Allow hierarchical structure in url
  2. Allow hierarchical structure in menu

But one of the issue is when user type “/about-us” then they will enter a blank page with non content.

So, should I auto forward user to url say “/about-us/history” by default?

Or it is the common way of handling hierarchical pages?

2 s

I am using two strategies here…

1) is simple redirection to first child (using menu order)

 * Template Name: Redirector
 * Description: Empty Holder (redirect page) 

    $rp = new WP_Query(array(
        'post_parent'   => get_the_id(),
        'post_type'     => 'page',
        'order'         => 'asc',
        'orderby'       => 'menu_order'

    if ($rp->have_posts())
        while ( $rp->have_posts() ) { 

2) generating a menu on a parent with a links to children (as example of it – http://unu.edu/about)

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