I have created a form. On success of the form, I am redirecting the user the their dashboard. Now, I want to be able to show a success message/notice on the dashboard.
What is the convention to show such messages ?
I have created a form. On success of the form, I am redirecting the user the their dashboard. Now, I want to be able to show a success message/notice on the dashboard.
What is the convention to show such messages ?
When you redirect the user to the admin dashboard pass on a GET variable named “success_notice”, for example. So you get a URL like this: /wp-admin/index.php?success_notice=1
With that setup, just add the code that shows the success message on the dashboard only if that GET variable is set.
add_action('admin_notices', 'wpse75629_admin_notice');
function wpse75629_admin_notice()
global $pagenow;
// Only show this message on the admin dashboard and if asked for
if ('index.php' === $pagenow && ! empty($_GET['success_notice']))
echo '<div class="updated"><p>Your success message!</p></div>';