I am currently modifying a theme. This theme doesn’t had a category.php I needed a custom category page. So, I made one. It works on my local server, but when I uploaded it to a real server, this page doesn’t work. It always redirect to frontpage. It has a front-page.php and other pages include
Some custom page template,
single page templates,
taxonomy-custom_cat.php etc.

I mean everything is pretty normal. Everything else works fine, but on the main server category doesn’t work anyway. Isn’t it violating template hierarchy?

By the way, the main server is wordpress multisite. I had to enable the theme in network admin and then use it in the current site. Thanks in advance.

Edit: I found out something interesting. It redirects to frontpage or uses 404 page in the following condition
No. not all 404 urls redirect to the front page. I am giving you a general idea

www.example.com/category/category-name -> redirects to front page
www.example.com/category/xxxxx         -> redirects to front page
www.example.com/xxxxx                  -> redirects to front page
www.example.com/xxxx/xxxx              -> goes to 404 page

*xxxx means garbage url

It actually use 404 page, but not all the cases and by the way I’m using wpmudev

3 Answers

Check that your category.php file has no errors first.

Go to Settings -> Permalinks and save it again to rebuild your permalink structure just in case.

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