I’m looking for an efficient way to convert rows to columns in SQL server, I heard that PIVOT is not very fast, and I need to deal with lot of records.

This is my example:

   | Id | Value  | ColumnName    |
   | 1  | John   | FirstName     |
   | 2  | 2.4    | Amount        |
   | 3  | ZH1E4A | PostalCode    |
   | 4  | Fork   | LastName      |
   | 5  | 857685 | AccountNumber |

This is my result:

| FirstName  |Amount|   PostalCode   |   LastName  |  AccountNumber |
| John       | 2.4  |   ZH1E4A       |   Fork      |  857685        |

How can I build the result?

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