I am encountering rather a weirdo situation here.

I am currently on a multisite and created a site. This site has a blog id of 3. However, whenever I call get_current_blog_id() it returns 1 (which is obviously a network id).

I do not know why but there was definitely a change with the domain.

used to be
now it is

I am running IIS by the way. What would be the cause for this?

1 Answer

get_current_blog_id() uses the global variable $blog_id as noted at https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/get_current_blog_id. When I’ve seen this problem before it’s because I’m declaring $blog_id in my PHP code which is overwriting the WordPress global variable that provides the ID of the subsite.

Change the variable name of $blog_id and hopefully the function will start returning the correct site ID.

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