I would like to know is there any way/Plugin to limit the user published post (in a given time span) by his role?
Like this:
- Role A -> 1 post per day and 30 post total.
- Role B -> 10 post per day and 100 post total.
- Role C -> unlimited.
I know there are some plugin out there that have these features but they only able to control either limit post per day or limit number of posts on role basic, and they are not mutually inclusive on each other.
Note: This is to prevent the real estate platform from being spamed.
(Editors note)
Any ideas?
You can use my plugin Posts Creation Limits which has a per user, per role, per post type, per post status limiting system and combined with its post_creation_limits_custom_checks
action hook and check if the user has created a post that day already – if so: show the the “limit reached message”. For example:
add_action( 'post_creation_limits_custom_checks', 'post_per_day_limit' );
function post_per_day_limit( $type, $user_id ) {
global $bapl,$wpdb;
// safe check: Plugin installed?
! isset( $bapl ) AND _doing_it_wrong( __FUNCTION__, sprintf( 'You need to %sinstall the needed Plugin%s', '<a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/bainternet-posts-creation-limits/">', '</a>' ), 0 );
$time_in_days = 1; // 1 means in last day
$count = $wpdb->get_var(
FROM $wpdb->posts
WHERE post_status="publish"
AND post_type = %s
AND post_author = %s
if ( 0 < $count )
$count = number_format( $count );
// here you can check since we have the $count ex:
// limit for 2 posts a day
if ( 1 < $count ) {
// return limit reached message using the plugin class
exit( $bapl->bapl_not_allowed( 'you can not posts more them two posts a day' ) );
// else do nothing