For testing purposes I have edited page.php to have nothing other than:
<?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
<h1><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
<?php $site_options = get_fields('options'); ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
I removed get_header, get_footer and only have ACF plugins enabled because I am still early in development and doing some initial testing. When I view the page without calling get_fields it reports 9 queries but if I visit the page with get_fields it jumps to 72 queries. It seems like that should only bump by 1 or 2 queries…not 63.
Queries are reported using:
Results from get_options call:
[main_ad_-_image] => Array
[id] => 25
[alt] => TEST
Advanced Custom Fields - Query Efficiency => lg-social_media
Advanced Custom Fields - Query Efficiency =>
[mime_type] => image/png
[url] => {urlhere}
[width] => 460
[height] => 260
[sizes] => Array
[thumbnail] => {urlhere}/wp-content/uploads/lg-social_media-150x150.png
[thumbnail-width] => 150
[thumbnail-height] => 150
[medium] => {urlhere}/wp-content/uploads/lg-social_media-220x124.png
[medium-width] => 220
[medium-height] => 124
[large] => {urlhere}/wp-content/uploads/lg-social_media.png
[large-width] => 460
[large-height] => 260
[main_ad_-_url_type] => ext
[main_ad_-_url] =>
[small_ad_1_-_image] => Array
[id] => 28
[alt] => Fake Text
Advanced Custom Fields - Query Efficiency => fake-text
Advanced Custom Fields - Query Efficiency =>
[mime_type] => image/png
[url] => {urlhere}/wp-content/uploads/fake-text.png
[width] => 220
[height] => 120
[sizes] => Array
[thumbnail] => {urlhere}/wp-content/uploads/sm-fake-text-150x120.png
[thumbnail-width] => 150
[thumbnail-height] => 120
[medium] => {urlhere}/wp-content/uploads/sm-fake-text.png
[medium-width] => 220
[medium-height] => 120
[large] => {urlhere}/wp-content/uploads/sm-fake-text.png
[large-width] => 220
[large-height] => 120
[small_ad_1_-_url_type] => ext
[small_ad_2_-_image] => Array
[id] => 30
[alt] => Fake Text 2
Advanced Custom Fields - Query Efficiency => fake-text2
Advanced Custom Fields - Query Efficiency =>
[mime_type] => image/png
[url] => {urlhere}/wp-content/uploads/fake-text2.png
[width] => 220
[height] => 120
[sizes] => Array
[thumbnail] => {urlhere}/wp-content/uploads/fake-text2-150x120.png
[thumbnail-width] => 150
[thumbnail-height] => 120
[medium] => {urlhere}/wp-content/uploads/fake-text2.png
[medium-width] => 220
[medium-height] => 120
[large] => {urlhere}/wp-content/uploads/fake-text2.png
[large-width] => 220
[large-height] => 120
[small_ad_1_-_url] =>
[main_ad_-_page] => {urlhere}
[small_ad_2_-_url_type] => ext
[small_ad_2_-_url] =>
[small_ad_3_-_image] => Array
[id] => 27
[alt] => Fake Text 3
Advanced Custom Fields - Query Efficiency => fake-text3
Advanced Custom Fields - Query Efficiency =>
[mime_type] => image/png
[url] => {urlhere}/wp-content/uploads/fake-text3.png
[width] => 220
[height] => 120
[sizes] => Array
[thumbnail] => {urlhere}/wp-content/uploads/fake-text3-150x120.png
[thumbnail-width] => 150
[thumbnail-height] => 120
[medium] => {urlhere}/wp-content/uploads/fake-text3.png
[medium-width] => 220
[medium-height] => 120
[large] => {urlhere}/wp-content/uploads/fake-text3.png
[large-width] => 220
[large-height] => 120
[small_ad_3_-_url_type] => ext
[small_ad_3_-_url] =>
[small_ad_4_-_image] => Array
[id] => 29
[alt] => Fake Text 4
Advanced Custom Fields - Query Efficiency => fake-text4
Advanced Custom Fields - Query Efficiency =>
[mime_type] => image/png
[url] => {urlhere}/wp-content/uploads/fake-text4.png
[width] => 220
[height] => 120
[sizes] => Array
[thumbnail] => {urlhere}/wp-content/uploads/fake-text4-150x120.png
[thumbnail-width] => 150
[thumbnail-height] => 120
[medium] => {urlhere}/wp-content/uploads/fake-text4.png
[medium-width] => 220
[medium-height] => 120
[large] => {urlhere}/wp-content/uploads/fake-text4.png
[large-width] => 220
[large-height] => 120
[small_ad_4_-_url_type] => ext
[small_ad_4_-_url] =>
[facebook] =>
[twitter] =>
[youtube] =>
[office_address] => text
[office_address_-_google_url] => test
[office_-_phone] => 1234567890
[office_-_800_#] => 8001234567
[office_-_email] =>
Should I be concerned about this?