Should one filter the output of builtin WP functions such as get_permalink()
and well-known WP plugins such as ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) such as get_field()
For instance get_permalink()
calls home_url()
which calls get_home_url()
, none of which do any filtering of the data. In a similar fashion work the_content()
, the_title()
and the rest of the familiar Loop-related functions.
Therefore, is the following sufficient? (no esc_attr()
for WP and ACF functions)
<?php while ($wp_query->have_posts() && __return_true($wp_query->the_post()) ) : ?>
<a href="<?=get_the_permalink()?>">
<img src="<?=get_field('homepage_thumbnail')['sizes']['thumbnail']?>" />
<?php endwhile; ?>
Or should I be more careful with the data coming from the plugin? (notice esc_attr()
added to ACF image source, third line)
<?php while ($wp_query->have_posts() && __return_true($wp_query->the_post()) ) : ?>
<a href="<?=get_the_permalink()?>">
<img src="<?=esc_attr(get_field('homepage_thumbnail')['sizes']['thumbnail']?>)" />
<?php endwhile; ?>
Or should I be super careful even with the stock WP functions? (notice esc_attr()
added to WP anchor href, second line)
<?php while ($wp_query->have_posts() && __return_true($wp_query->the_post()) ) : ?>
<a href="<?=esc_attr(get_the_permalink())?>">
<img src="<?=esc_attr(get_field('homepage_thumbnail')['sizes']['thumbnail']?>)" />
<?php endwhile; ?>