I have a custom USER taxonomy called ‘label’ which also has a custom field of ‘sort_order’ – I am trying to return a list of users that have the label taxonomy and then sort this list by the sort_order field.
So far I have…..
$users = get_users(
'meta_key' => 'sort_order',
'fields' => 'all_with_meta'
function wpse98580_sort_order( $a, $b )
if ( $a->sort_order === $b->sort_order ) {
return 0;
} elseif ( $a->sort_order > $b->sort_order ) {
return -1;
return 1;
usort( $users, 'wpse98580_sort_order' );
/* Iterate over the sorted array */
foreach( $users as $user )
echo '<h4>' . $user_info-> user_firstname . ' ' . $user_info-> user_lastname . '</h4>';
This doesn’t work, I am assuming it is becasue the ‘sort_order’ meta-key is actually a custom field of the taxonomy so it can’t retrieve it. Usually I use the following code to access the sort_order…
$product_terms = wp_get_object_terms($user->ID, 'label');
if(!is_wp_error( $product_terms )){
foreach($product_terms as $term){
$t_ID = $term->term_id;
$label_custom_fields = get_option("taxonomy_term_$t_ID");
echo $label_custom_fields['sort_order'];
Can anyone help?