I have a repetitive sentence throughout my site with different parameters.
Example: NAME read a book on DAY | TITLE
where the capitalized words vary with each post and (here’s the kicker) I want DAY to be a link – one of seven individual links (one for each day of the week).
I have seven shortcodes for the links with each day of the week and a shortcode for the sentence but I can’t quite get them to work together.
function books($atts, $content = null) {
"name" => '',
"day" => '',
"title" => '',
), $atts));
$output="<div class="cite">";
if($name) { $output .= ''.$name.' read a book';}
if($day) { $output .= ' on '.do_shortcode($content).'';}
$output .= ' | '.$title.'</div>';
return $output;
add_shortcode("books", "books");
And then the code for the days of the week is pretty straight forward:
function monday() {
return '<a href="http://website.com/" target="_blank">Monday</a>';
add_shortcode("monday", "monday");
In my post
[books name="Mary Sue" title="See Jane Run"]
works just fine and outputs: Mary Sue read a book | See Jane Run
[books name="Mary Sue" title="See Jane Run" day="[monday]"]
goes wonky and outputs: “Mary read a book on | “See
I feel like I may be approaching the problem wrong, but am not sure how else to go about defining several different variables in each post and keep the consistency and simplicity of reusing the same text.