I have some categories like so:
For various reasons I would like to rewrite these to be:
I’ve tried a few re-direct plugins but not had any success. Is this possible?
I have some categories like so:
For various reasons I would like to rewrite these to be:
I’ve tried a few re-direct plugins but not had any success. Is this possible?
It can be done by writing a code on post_link
filter. This filter allows you to change the final post link.
Since you are showing categories in your permalink, so I am assuming that your permalink structure contains %category%
in it.
Below code will help you to get links the way you want.
add_filter( 'post_link', 'wdm_change_category_permalink_structure', 10, 3 );
function wdm_change_category_permalink_structure( $post_link, $post, $leavename ) {
$array_of_cats_to_be_replaced = array( 'europe', 'usa' ); //array of category slugs. Add more slugs here
$get_permalink_structure = get_option( 'permalink_structure' );
if ( strpos( $get_permalink_structure, '%category%' ) !== false ) {
$cats = get_the_category( $post->ID ); //get categories assocaited with the post
if ( $cats ) {
usort( $cats, '_usort_terms_by_ID' ); // order by ID
$category_object = get_term( $cats[0], 'category' ); //Take first category
$category = $category_object->slug; //Get slug of category
if ( in_array( $category, $array_of_cats_to_be_replaced ) ) { //If category we want is in the array
$rewritecode = array(
$leavename ? '' : '%postname%',
$leavename ? '' : '%pagename%',
$rewritereplace = array(
'news/view', //Replace category with news/view
$post_link = home_url( str_replace( $rewritecode, $rewritereplace, $get_permalink_structure ) );
$post_link = user_trailingslashit( $post_link, 'single' );
return $post_link;
Hope it helps 🙂