I have installed a third-party plugin for my wordpress site. What I want is to rename that plugin so that it matches my purpose for installing it. Is it possible?

The plugin I’m trying to modify is CubePoints.. It’s a pointing system for the users. But for the sake of better understanding, I’ll be calling it MyPoints or something like that.a

When I rename it in the plugin PHP file, it affects only the plugin listing.

But it has a separate menu in the left panel. What I need is it to take effect there, so that the user can see the modified name in their user panel.

2 Answers

Here is the plugin directory structure

yoursite\wp-content\plugins\ [editing-plugin-folder]

open the folder you will find a .php file in there, edit the file using any editor. you can change the name of the plugin in commented area

Plugin Name: Name according to you
Plugin URI:


save the file refresh your wp-admin dashboard and there you go .

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