I wish to tag visitors who came to my site and clicked the RSS button.
My goal is to “Segment” this visitors in Google Analytics, so I’ll be able to see where my “new readers” are coming from.
How can it be done in WordPress?
I wish to tag visitors who came to my site and clicked the RSS button.
My goal is to “Segment” this visitors in Google Analytics, so I’ll be able to see where my “new readers” are coming from.
How can it be done in WordPress?
The best way is to track this in Feedburner – that will tell you how many “subscribers” you may have at any time.
If you want to track how many people click on your RSS feed link on your WordPress site you can tag the link with some Google Analytics tracking code.
See http://www.google.com/support/analytics/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=55578 for help