I need to put an include inside a shortcode. Can any one help me to do it, please?


echo do_shortcode( '[student]' . include 'incMac.php' . '[/student]' );

1 Answer

You won’t be able to concatenate an include as it doesn’t return a string. What you could do is store that include content in a variable, and then concatenate.

include 'incMac.php';
$include_content = ob_get_clean();
echo do_shortcode( '[student]' . $include_content . '[/student]' );

ob_start tells php to store the output from the script in an internal buffer, instead of printing it.

ob_get_clean returns the content of the buffer at the moment and deletes it, turning off the output buffering. We store this content in the $include_content variable, which can be concatenated.


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