I want to load the page.php template with the content I specify (using variables and not from the database) if the request contains a particular query string.

So lets say a user requests example.com/?var1=str1 the page template should be displayed with the title and content I specify using variables.

This is the pseudo code of what I’m trying to achieve

function my_page_function() {
if($_REQUEST['var1'] == "str1")
$title="This will be the title of the default page template";
$content="This content will be displayed on the default page template.";
//Load the page.php here with the title and content specified in the variables above

I wish to use this code in a plugin, so it should work with any theme’s page.php.

2 Answers

You can achieve that with filters on the_content and the_title:

function wpa_content_filter( $content ) {
    if( isset( $_REQUEST['var1'] ) && $_REQUEST['var1'] == "str1" ) {
        return 'This content will be displayed on the default page template.';
    return $content;
add_filter( 'the_content', 'wpa_content_filter', 999 );

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