Django has some good automatic serialization of ORM models returned from DB to JSON format.

How to serialize SQLAlchemy query result to JSON format?

I tried jsonpickle.encode but it encodes query object itself.
I tried json.dumps(items) but it returns

TypeError: <Product('3', 'some name', 'some desc')> is not JSON serializable

Is it really so hard to serialize SQLAlchemy ORM objects to JSON /XML? Isn’t there any default serializer for it? It’s very common task to serialize ORM query results nowadays.

What I need is just to return JSON or XML data representation of SQLAlchemy query result.

SQLAlchemy objects query result in JSON/XML format is needed to be used in javascript datagird (JQGrid

34 Answers

You could just output your object as a dictionary:

class User:
   def as_dict(self):
       return { getattr(self, for c in self.__table__.columns}

And then you use User.as_dict() to serialize your object.

As explained in Convert sqlalchemy row object to python dict

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