In a project of mine, I try to display Angular Components (like an Autocomplete Dropdown Search) in a table. Because of the requirements I have (like multi-selecting different cells with ctrl+click) I decided to give it a go with handsontable.
I’ve used the handsontable renderer and add the components dynamically.
The code looks like this
matrix.component.ts = new Handsontable(this.handsontable.nativeElement, {
data: this.tableData,
colWidths: [80, 300],
colHeaders: ['Id', 'Custom Component'],
columns: [
data: 'id',
data: 'id',
renderer: (instance: any, td: any, row: any, col: any, prop: any, value: any, cellProperties: any) => {
if (cellProperties.hasOwnProperty('ref')) {
(cellProperties.ref as ComponentRef<CellContainerComponent>).instance.value = row;
} else {
cellProperties.ref = this.loadComponentAtDom(
((component: any) => {
component.template = this.button4Matrix;
component.value = row;
return td;
readOnly: true,
private loadComponentAtDom<T>(component: Type<T>, dom: Element, onInit?: (component: T) => void): ComponentRef<T> {
let componentRef;
try {
const componentFactory = this.componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(component);
componentRef = componentFactory.create(this.injector, [], dom);
onInit ? onInit(componentRef.instance) : console.log('no init');
} catch (e) {
console.error('Unable to load component', component, 'at', dom);
throw e;
return componentRef;
What’s my current issue is the lifecycle of the rendered angular components.
Stuff I tried:
- Do nothing
Tried Solution: Doing nothing and leaving everything to Angular
Problem: Angular never calling the ngOnDestroy of the CellContainer.
- Saving componentRefs
Tried Solution: Saving the componentRef in an Array and after a certain amount of rendering trying to destroy the components I
rendered some time ago. Counting via time, handsontable hooks
(verticalScroll/beforeRender/afterRender), in the render-method
Problem: Destroy of the angular component always throws an error (‘cannot read property’nativeNode’ of null’) or the components get
displayed completely wrong
- Check during rendering if an element is there
Tried Solution: During the render: I checked if there’s already a component and if it was I used to recycle the already-there component by adding a new value only.
Problem: The values get completely mixed up during scrolling.
A link to my solution (and an implemented solution #3) is available on github.
Does anyone have an idea of how to handle this in a clean way? If not the application gets slow & unusable after a little bit of scrolling & using the table.
Better refer :