I am writing some custom shortcode which outputs an images url from its ID. I would like the shortcode usage to be as follows:
[imagez id=”211046, 211034″]
This is my code:
function image_thingy($atts) {
'id' => 1,
), $atts));
return wp_get_attachment_url($id);
add_shortcode('imagez', 'image_thingy');
With this I can only retrieve the url of the first ID only, and not multiple comma separated like in the above example. How could I achieve this? Thanks!
Try this
function image_thingy($atts) {
// Merge attribtes from shortcode with defaults
'id' => 1,
), $atts));
// Extract id's from shortcode attributes and convert into an array
$ids = explode(',',$atts['id']);
$output=""; // Variable that holds the shortcode output, at the end this will be returned
// Loop through ids and fetch urls, and add a comma with a blank space
foreach($ids as $id){
$output .= wp_get_attachment_url($id). ', ';
// remove comma and blank space from the end of $output, and finally return $output
return rtrim($output,', ');
add_shortcode('imagez', 'image_thingy');
The following code wraps the urls in <img>
function image_thingy($atts) {
'id' => 1,
), $atts));
$ids = explode(',',$atts['id']);
foreach($ids as $id){
$output .= '<img src="'. wp_get_attachment_url($id) . '"/> ';
return $output;
add_shortcode('imagez', 'image_thingy');