I’m quite new to WordPress development. I’m using WordPress 4.9.2. I’m currently working on the following issue. I have several blog categories which have no relation to each other. For example “Our Services” and “News”. Now I want to make sure that the Prev/Next links on each post page are only pointing to Prev/Next within the same category. This should apply for links on the page and for rel links in the head section. I figured already that I JUST have to set the flag $in_same_term to true. For the links at the end of the post, I solved the problem already inside my theme by adding correct args. Only the rel links in the head section are not working like this.

Needed change for header


function adjacent_posts_rel_link_wp_head() {
    if ( ! is_single() || is_attachment() ) {


function adjacent_posts_rel_link_wp_head() {
    if ( ! is_single() || is_attachment() ) {
    adjacent_posts_rel_link('%title', true); //TODO find a better way

I just don’t want to touch a WordPress core file. Could anyone help and guide me through the correct process, please?

1 Answer

adjacent_posts_rel_link() calls get_adjacent_post_rel_link(), which runs its return value through the {$adjacent}_post_rel_link filter. The dynamic portion of the hook name, $adjacent, refers to the type of adjacency, ‘next’ or ‘previous’.

You can use that filter to change the output accordingly. Here’s an example to change the second parameter:

add_filter( 'next_post_rel_link', function( $link ) {
  return get_adjaxent_post_rel_link( '%title', true, '', false );
} );

add_filter( 'previous_post_rel_link', function( $link ) {
  return get_adjacent_post_rel_link( '%title', true );
} );

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