I’m storing CPT products
‘ post IDs into CPT companies
‘ post meta (meta_key = prefix_products
). As a company can have multiple products, so I’m storing them into a PHP serialized array value.
Where 334, 333, 331 are three post_ids of post type products
I need to get the post_id of the CPT companies
where the product id (post_id of CTP products
) is equal to 331 (dynamic – can be any value). It should compare with meta_value of the meta_key prefix_products
I can get post_id using a meta_value, but I’m stuck where the data is stored as serialized. 🙁
What I did so far, can’t get to the solution:
function get_company_of_the_product( $product_id ) {
global $project_prefix;
$prod_meta_key = $project_prefix .'products';
$companies = get_posts( array(
'post_type' => 'companies',
'post_status' => 'publish',
'meta_key' => $prod_meta_key
) );
$products_array = array();
foreach ( $companies as $company ) {
$products = get_post_meta( $company->ID, $prod_meta_key, true );
$products_array[$company->ID] = unserialize( $products );
//if( in_array( $product_id, $products_array ) ) return $company->ID; //I know it's wrong
Is this the way, or am I missing something seriously easy? How can I solve the riddle?