It is possible to restrict the upload process to choose only one file. Now a person can select various files from pc, Im trying to find a way to restrict this feature just to one file.
Thanks in advance.
It is possible to restrict the upload process to choose only one file. Now a person can select various files from pc, Im trying to find a way to restrict this feature just to one file.
Thanks in advance.
WordPress contains 2 media up-loaders. The Flash uploader allows the selection of multiple files while the browser uploader only allows 1 file at a time.
To disable the Flash uploader add the following filter to functions.php
add_filter('flash_uploader', create_function('$flash', 'return false;'));
function disable_flash_uplaoder() {
return $flash = false;
add_filter( 'flash_uploader', 'disable_flash_uploader', 7 );