I have theme options pages www.website.com/wp-admin/themes.php?page=avada_options
but problem is when ever i go that page it redirect to www.website.com/store-manager/
I checked the rewrite, even deleted it. No errors on the page. I have no idea how to even debug this out
Please help

1 Answer
I was able to solve the problem by just clearing the cache. If anyone facing similar issue you may try
- Deleting the browser cache, or trying in incognito mode
- Contact hosting as ask them to clear any server cache or disable any caching features they have
- Save the permalink again or delete the rewrite table content in the database – wp-option> rewrite_rules
- If still does not work -> try deactivating all the plugins/themes and find the plugin/theme causing the issue.
- Otherwise, it will be caching issue again