I have this script that cuts down my menu and adds a “+” dropdown if there are too many menu items in an attempt to prettify long menus, as such:

Menu With the Script

Without the script running:

Menu Without the Script

Which I call in functions.php with:

function _s_scripts() {
    wp_enqueue_script( 'main', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/main_res.js', array( 'jquery' ), '', false );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', '_s_scripts' );

Unfortunately, this results in late-execution and jagginess. Is there any way I can hook this script into “as soon as you’re done generating X part (menu)” do this?

The effect is very noticeable for the user:

View post on imgur.com

and here’s the script, just for testing purposes, main_res.js:

function sliceMenu(desired_len) {
    var menu_len = document.querySelectorAll('#primary-menu > li').length;

    if (menu_len > desired_len) {

        var append_menu_el = document.createElement('div');
        append_menu_el.innerHTML = ('<div id="js-cover-menu"><img class="plus" src="https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/293747/$PATH/svg/plus_menu.svg" alt="more-menu"></div>').replace('$PATH', ABSPATH);

        let diff = menu_len - desired_len;
        let sliced_lis = [...(document.querySelectorAll('#primary-menu > li'))].slice(-diff);

        var js_menu_el = document.createElement('ul');
        js_menu_el.setAttribute('id', 'js-cover-menu-dropdown');

        js_cover_menu_el = document.getElementById('js-cover-menu-dropdown');

        for(var i = 0, length = sliced_lis.length; i < length; i++) {
        document.querySelectorAll('#js-cover-menu-dropdown > li > ul').forEach(node => node.remove());
    } else {

2 Answers

First of all, if you are not using jQuery, then do not pass the jQuery as a dependency to the wp_enqueue_script() function.

Now, about your question. It’s not really WordPress related, but anyway. You didn’t mention how you call this function, since that’s all that matters here. If you output your code lately, such as in the footer, it won’t run until everything before that part is loaded. My suggestion is, to use a child them and add the code directly after your menu is output, and call the function. This way, the script will run immediately after the menu is created, and since no jQuery is required, you won’t have a problem using it.

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