Within a span, the shortcode output works:

<span>[sola_testimonials_count type="all"]</span>


But as an attribute value, it doesn’t get parsed:

<span data-value="[sola_testimonials_count type=\'all\']"></span>

<span data-value="[sola_testimonials_count type=\'all\']"></span>

This is a third-party plug-in, but I obviously have the code and can manipulate it. Is there a way I can get the shortcode to parse as an HTML attribute value? I’m not a WordPress developer so forgive me if this is an obvious answer.

Many thanks!

3 Answers

I am not good at Regex but do_shortcode will basically will not parse any shortcode in the attributes, this might help you out:

add_filter('the_content', function($c){
    $pattern = '/<span\s*(.*?)data-value=["\']?\[(.*?)\]["\']?\s*(.*?)>\s*(.*?)\s*<\/span>/si';
    $c = preg_replace_callback($pattern, function($c){
        return isset( $c[2] ) ? str_replace(
        ) : array_pop($c);
    }, $c);
    return $c;

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