How to display attached thumbnail and excerpt (about 200 words) of a page on homepage?
$page_data = get_page( 401 ); // Get page ID 401
echo '<h3>'. $page_data->post_title .'</h3>';
echo apply_filters('the_content', $page_data->post_content);
I don’t know how to display attached image as thumbnail. May be i use mb_substr php function to cut the content to the excerpt.
Sorry, my english is not good. 🙂
Thanks for help!
<?php $post_id = 50; // assign post id
$queried_post = get_page($post_id);
if(is_home()) { ?>
<div class="product_title"><h3><a href="<?php echo get_page_link($post_id); ?>"><?php echo $queried_post->post_title; ?></a></h3></div>
<div class="product_image_location"><?php echo get_the_post_thumbnail( $post_id); ?></div>
<div class="description_product">
<?php echo $queried_post->post_content; ?></div>
<?php } ?>