I’ve been reading a lot about this but couldn’t find a solution.
Basically I’m trying to show a current menu item on a dynamic page that is created by a custom page type archive.
The default menu control doesn’t add the current-menu-item CSS class names.
I’ve found a solution here – http://bloggingsquared.com/blogging-tips/how-to-add-the-current-menu-item-css-class-to-a-custom-link-in-a-wordpress-menu/
Which is like this:
add_filter('nav_menu_css_class', 'AddCurrentMenuItemClass',1,2);
function AddCurrentMenuItemClass($classes,$item)
$link = site_url().$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
if(strpos($link, $item->url) !== false)
$classes[] = 'current-menu-item';
return $classes;
The problem I’m having is that the Home page (which is a custom menu item) is highlighted as well as the page I’m on.
If I change the if statement to:
if ( $link == $item->url )
Then in works on that page as but not on sub pages.
Can you please help me sort this out?
I’m working on a client project with a right deadline…
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