The Yoast SEO plugin is great, but it seems to appear in more places then wanted (columns, custom post type pages, etc.). I want to remove this option because as it stands even when I ignore the fields if I save my custom post type I get several fields added to my database.


So the goal is to not have them appear on the admin page at all so that they are not entered as values. Thanks in advance for any help with this


So as noted in the comments above, I found a solution and used this code to do it:

function remove_yoast_metabox_reservations(){
    remove_meta_box('wpseo_meta', 'reservation', 'normal');
add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'remove_yoast_metabox_reservations',11 );

In this instance, “reservation” was my custom post type. And “wpseo_meta” was the ID of the metabox. So the same code can be used on any meta box on a post, page, cpt, etc.

Also credit belongs to Mamaduke for his post here:


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