I’m developing a wordpress plugin at the moment which I do not want in the WordPress plugin repository. However I still want to be able to push updates to my costumers from my own API repository.

I’ve been reading quite a bit about this, and one thing that seems to be something about is the pre_set_site_transient_update_plugins filter, however I can’t find much info about this. I’ve tried this tutorial (http://konstruktors.com/blog/wordpress/2538-automatic-updates-for-plugins-and-themes-hosted-outside-wordpress-extend/) which I couldn’t get working. I can tell from the comments that others can actually get this working with what must be almost the current version of WP (latest response Apr 22).

I tried installing the plugin from the site and putting the API folder on a second domain, but the update notification I usually get when an update is available, didn’t show anywhere at all.

I’m not sure if it is actually possible to have custom plugins run the auto-update from other repositories so I would like to hear if anyone in here has any experience at all with this stuff? The solution in the tutorial seemed to be an easy solution – I wonder if it’s somehow possible to do it in a more advanced way?

Any help getting this auto-update from my own repository working would be much appreciated!

(PS: I’m running WP version 3.1.3)

5 s

For the benefit of others who find this page, I suggest those wishing to provide their own updates outside the official WP repository check out this project on GitHub, that demonstrates the functionality:


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