I am trying to add custom columns to edit-tags.php for a custom taxonomy that I have created. This custom taxonomy is called equipment-types and it only applies to one custom post type called equipment. I am trying to use the same filters and actions that I would use to add custom columns on the edit.php page. I was able to actually create the custom columns with this filter:
add_filter('manage_edit-equipment-types_columns', 'define_equip_types_columns');
However, I cannot seem to populate these columns with any data. Normally, for the edit.php page I would use the following action:
add_action('manage_posts_custom_column', 'my_post_type_columns_content'));
And then within the my_post_type_columns_content function I would conditionally output column data based on the post-type.
The problem is I can’t seem to find a similar hook for the edit-tags page. Adam Brown’s website lists these hooks:
None of which I think would be any help. Does anyone know of a way to do this? I’m so close, I have the columns created with titles, I just need to fill them with data!
EDIT: To be clear, I am not trying to make custom fields. I am trying to make custom COLUMNS in the table to the right on the main taxonomy page.
Regularly on the edit.php page where it displays All Posts for that post type I can make custom columns such as the quantity column like this:
However, I don’t think there is a hook to populate the columns on the edit-tags.php main page, even though I can create a custom column such as Image URL below: