The site I’m working on will have a very large number of unique user roles via a members plugin. Because of that, I’d like to have the Role drop-down selection on the Add New User page to display roles alphabetically, rather than descending order of creation.

Is there any way to do this?

2 s

Almost the same approach One Trick Pony has chosen, but I am using translated names and uasort() (to preserve the keys):

add_filter( 'editable_roles', 't5_sort_editable_roles' );

 * Array of roles.
 * @wp-hook editable_roles
 * @param   array $roles
 * @return  array
function t5_sort_editable_roles( $roles )
    uasort( $roles, 't5_uasort_editable_roles' );
    return $roles;
 * Compare translated role names.
 * @param  array $a First role
 * @param  array $b Second role
 * @return number
function t5_uasort_editable_roles( $a, $b )
    return strcasecmp(
        translate_user_role( $a['name'] ),
        translate_user_role( $b['name'] )

As a plugin on GitHub.

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