Add header and footer to WP backend

I want to add a header in the backstage in order to look more blend in like the frontend. Nothing much I want to add, just the header and footer is enough. The content section remains the original style.

But I can’t find an appropriate hook to this area. I tried to add get_header(); into admin-header.php and it works. However, I don’t want to mess up with wp core files, so is there any way to add the files?


After months of resarching, I finally gave up this thought that adding frontend header and footer to the backend. Instead, I just use the frontend pages to become the user dashboard. Although, this involved a lot of work (I do it manually, not by a plugin), but it is more flexible.

However, still thanks for the advices/suggestion.

7 s

The in_admin_header action may be used to insert content before <div id="wpbody"> in the wordpress backend.

See Line 101 of /wp-admin/admin-header.php (line number as of version 3.3.2)

Further reading on actions: Action Reference, codex

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