How to give “Interesting Tags” “Ignored Tags” selection option like in a WordPress blog?
If a blog is about lots of topics and I want to give option to user to choose option like
“Interesting Tags” and “Ignored Tags” option of
How to give that facility? Is there any plugin?
SO does not hide the posts (AFAIK), it just highlights or unhighlights them. And I am sure they are basically using CSS classes for that.
From (very) quick look at the source, they basically use tags as CSS classes and then load a unique-to-you javascript that adds styles to entries with those classes.
You basically would need to generate a visitor specific CSS or Javascript which you generate based on the tags. Plus user interface to select/unselect those tags (I don’t like the one SO uses). Plus extending WordPress user model to store those preferences.
Not a big project, but a medium size one.