I have this JS function named as “myjsfunction()”.

function myjsfunction() {



One limitation is that I cannot edit the original JS function like to put some PHP tags, etc.

How is it possible to call this JS function inside a WordPress do_action hook?

I’m preferring to add it as third parameter because I’m already using the second parameter, so something like:

do_action('myhelp', 'mysecondfunction', 'myjsfunction');

But it is not showing the element #html_admin_edit when the page runs. Any ideas how to call this function?


1 Answer

First, your callback must be PHP:

function myjsfunction_callback() {

Second, you can add multiple callbacks to one action:

add_action( 'myhelp', 'myjsfunction_callback' );
add_action( 'myhelp', 'mysecondfunction' );

Now, you can call do_action() without parameter …

do_action( 'myhelp' );

… and both callbacks will be executed.

I reply to your comment: You can use just one callback:

do_action( 'myhelp', 'mysecondfunction', 'myjsfunction_callback' );

You have to use a rather abstract callback then, and accept more parameters:

add_action( 'myhelp', 'multicall', 10, 99 );

function multicall()
    $functions = func_get_args();

    foreach ( $functions as $function )
        if ( function_exists( $function ) )

Now you can pass up to 99 function names, and all of them will be executed for that action.

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