This might might be more of a PHP question – but does deal with a WordPress plugin, Advanced Custom Fields

I am using a global select option to store a specific Location (custom post type) as the headquarters. I am storing the value as such:

function options_headquarters() {
    foreach(get_field('option_headquarters','options') as $post_object) {
        $options_headquarters = $post_object->ID;
        return $options_headquarters;

What I am fuzzy on is – since my option is only allowed to grab one value — is there an alternative to using a foreach statement (to grab just a specific array value) and still applying it to the post_object?

That function stores the postID of that Location. I am currently outputting this in my template as:

echo get_field('location_phone',options_headquarters());

which grabs a field called location_phone (a meta value within the Location custom post type) and specify a specific postID to grab the value from (the headquarters). Is there a better way of handling passing in this headquarters value? Just pulling this out of you know where, but something like options_headquarters('location_phone'); would be pretty sweet 😉


1 Answer

This ended up working for me:

function options_headquarters() { 
    $headquarters_field = get_field('option_headquarters','options'); 
    $headquarters = isset($headquarters_field[0]) ? $headquarters_field[0]->ID : NULL; 
    return $headquarters; 


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