I’m trying how to figure out how to use AJAX correctly with WordPress: (I’ve used it on other sites, but not in WP)

I have this code in functions.php of a theme:

function jquery_stuff() {
    wp_enqueue_script('scriptname', get_bloginfo('template_url') . '/wibergsweb.js');
add_action( 'init', 'jquery_stuff');

add_action('wp_ajax_locationContent', 'locationContent');

function locationContent() {
    echo 'batman returns';

and this is what the jQuery looks like:

function loadLocationInfo(clickedOn) {   
        var locationId = clickedOn.next().attr('id');

        var locationContent = $.ajax({            
            type: 'POST',
                action: 'locationContent',
                location_id: locationId
            url: "/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php",
            dataType: 'json'

        locationContent.done(function(data) {  

        locationContent.fail(function(ts) {           
            $('body').css('cursor', 'pointer');
            clickedOn.css('cursor', 'pointer');

    $(document).on('click', 'h3', function(e) {
        var tClicked = $(this);

Why is the actual response returned in the fail-function? (Yes, the data is correctly returned. That’s the weird part of it).

This is what happens:

1. ERROR is shown in alert-dialog. 
2. The .location-info div is set to 'batman returns'

If I don’t have die() in the php like this:

function locationContent() {
    echo 'batman returns';    

Then a 0 is returned BUT that 0 is returned in the done()-function (incorrect data returned at expected place)

Why is the actual response returned in the fail-function and how do I solve this issue? (I can’t figure out what’s going on here)

1 Answer

You are specifying the data type returned from the AJAX call to be JSON. However, the string you’re returning (“batman begins”) is not in JSON-format. Thus, the jQuery ajax-call will fail. Try passing your data as JSON using json_encode:

function locationContent() {
    echo json_encode( 'batman returns' );

This will fix your issue.

Furthermore, I can advise you to prefix your functions and adhere to the WordPress PHP Coding Standards (myplugin_locationcontent instead of locationContent, for example).


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