Android: why is there no maxHeight for a View?

View’s have a minHeight but somehow are lacking a maxHeight:

What I’m trying to achieve is having some items (views) filling up a ScrollView. When there are 1..3 items I want to display them directly. Meaning the ScrollView has the height of either 1, 2 or 3 items.

When there are 4 or more items I want the ScrollView to stop expanding (thus a maxHeight) and start providing scrolling.

However, there is unfortunately no way to set a maxHeight. So I probably have to set my ScrollView height programmatically to either WRAP_CONTENT when there are 1..3 items and set the height to 3*sizeOf(View) when there are 4 or more items.

Can anyone explain why there is no maxHeight provided, when there is already a minHeight?

(BTW: some views, like ImageView have a maxHeight implemented.)

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