I want to have a central “data” sheet that is regularly drawn upon for types of posts that are submitted. Lets say I had a movie review site, but also want to let people post other info, like Trivia or some such.

So I would have 2 custom posts types (or perhaps one if I let Reviews just be handled in Posts). I want both the review and the trivia to be search for by the movie title, the production company, the category the movie is in, etc. I’ve been creating Taxonomies for each of these properties outside of the category. What I’ve run into though is that every time a new review or piece of trivia is created for that movie, one would have to re-enter all that data. I rather just have them choose the Movie title, and have the rest of that data inherited. So if they chose “Scream 4” for their review, it automatically inherits the “Horror” Category, “Wes Craven” as the director, and “Dimension Films” as the Studio without someone have to individually assign those taxonomies each time something is created.

Is there any way to do such a thing?


I’d suggest to use Posts 2 Posts plugin, see plugins page and wiki for more information

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