I have a custom role, “Ministry Representative”, which is able to log in and create and manage their own “Opportunities” and “Events”, which is each a custom post type.
On the front end of the site, you can filter opportunities or events by “Ministry”, which is a custom taxonomy associated with both the “Opportunities” and “Events” custom post type.
On the backend, I create an account for a “Ministry Representative” to manage what appears on their profile as well as within the filtered results on the “Opportunities” and “Events” index pages.
The Challenge
When a “Ministry Representative” goes to create a new “Event”, they enter the details, and, from the custom taxonomy, they have to choose:
- Location (a hierarchal custom taxonomy)
- Presenter (a non-hierarchal custom taxonomy)
- Ministry (a non-hierarchal custom taxonomy)
So, in essence, they have to choose themselves. John Doe, who is a “Ministry Representative” for “Ministry A”, has to choose his own ministry from a dropdown (a custom meta box via WP Alchemy).
The Ideal Solution
Ideally, when a new “Event” or “Opportunity” is created by John Doe of “Ministry A”, the association is made without any input required on the interface level by the end-user.
So, what I think I’m looking for is a way to associate a user account with a specific term within a custom taxonomy.
Does that make sense? Is there, perhaps, another way to look at the problem? As I’m imagining, I could see other applications which could make this useful. An account is created and when X user contributes a given type of content, pre-selected terms are automatically associated to their contributed content.
Any thoughts or ideas are greatly appreciated. Thank you!