having problems with filtering a posts attachments by tag… It worked fine until i added the tag__in arg (and other variations of it).
$vidArgs = array(
'tag__in' =>5,
'post_type' => 'attachment',
'post_parent' => $post->ID,
$videos = get_posts($vidArgs);
foreach ($videos as $vid) { ///....
pointers / advice appreciated!
it is odd. It just doesn’t work with media tags! Added testtag to a post and it comes up.
There must be a way to get attachments by tags? Otherwise what’s the point? The functionality is in wp admin from the Media Tags pane…
$argsc = array(
/* 'tag' => 'commercials,testtag', */
'tag__in' => array(5,11),
/* 'post_parent'=>$post->ID, */
$the_queryB = get_posts( $argsc);
echo count($the_queryB).", <pre>";