I am using WP REST API Version 2.0-beta7 together with WP OAuth Server version 3.1.91

After authenticating with the User Credentials grant type, a request to /wp-json/wp/v2/users?access_token=[ACCESS_TOKEN] returns data about all users, including their capabilities. This is private data so the access_token obtained during the authenciation flow is valid.

However, using the same access_token and making a request to /wp-json/wp/v2/users/me?access_token=[ACCESS_TOKEN] returns the following response:

  "code": "rest_user_cannot_view",
  "message": "Sorry, you cannot view this user",
  "data": {
    "status": 403

I was expecting the be able to see private data about the logged in user.

I am using Postman to create and send the API calls using the steps described in the Using Postman and WP REST API article from the WP OAuth Server knowledge base.

I appreciate suggestions on why the users/me endpoint is returning 403 when /users is returning private data.


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