Is it possible to manage content on multisite installations centrally? If I have a network of 20 sites, is it possible to change the content on one site and have it update across the network, or will I have to make the change on each site one at a time? More specific case, If I have a Terms and Conditions page that must appear on each site, that requires periodic changes can I make the change once and have it replicate.

Any suggestions/directions/resources for managing this process effectively would be appreciated.

3 s

I’ve successfully used the ThreeWP Broadcast plugin to do this on a WPMU installation.

The basic concept is that you have one ‘broadcasting’ site from which you can broadcast content to other sites. The content can be posts, pages, custom post types, custom taxonomies, post meta or attachments.

If content is updated on the ‘broadcasting’ site, the updates will be reflected on the other sites. More info can be found on the ThreeWP Broadcast WP Plugin Directory entry linked above.


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