Working on a custom api for a site I’m building and I found a weird issue with wp_get_nav_menu_items.

Essentially – wp_get_nav_menu_items only works and returns items when I’m logged in. If I’m not it returns a blank array.

The menu items are supposed to basically just consist of some custom post types. No pages or anything else.

I’ve tried adding the show_in_rest property when registering the post type but this does not appear to have any effect.

Is there a way around this? Or is there another way I can pull all of the items added to a menu and spit out some json?

For reference this is what the code I used to generate the json data for the menus looks like

function menu_route(){
   $menu_items = wp_get_nav_menu_items('HCH');

   $menu = array();
  foreach ($menu_items as $item ){

    $menuItem = array(


  return $menu; 




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