Say I have top-level(parentless) pages called Fruit, Animals, Cars.

When, say, Fruit is selected I would like to show links to the individual fruit pages below. I would like to be able to dislpay these fruits (or animals, or cars) in several groups with a space between each group of fruits.. a bit like this

|   Fruit       |  Animals  |  Cars  |
|   Apple       |           |        |
|   Kiwi        |           |        |
|   Watermelon  |           |        |
|   Banana      |           |        |
|   Lemon       |           |        |
|   Strawberry  |           |        |
|   Raspberry   |           |        |

You can see in this case, I have roughy divided the fruit by color, putting a space inbetween. For cars or animals it might be another criteria. This criteria does not have to be explicitly named anywhere. So I wondering how to output this list, in a way which requires little techinical ability for the person who enters the pages in the backend.

At the moment I do this to output the child pages:

if( $post->post_parent )
    $children = wp_list_pages('depth=1&title_li=&child_of=".$post->post_parent."&echo=0'); 
    $children = wp_list_pages('depth=1&title_li=&child_of=".$post->ID."&echo=0');

echo $children;

But I can’t see a way to limit the output to categories, or something similar, using wp_list_pages. The nearest I can see is the ‘authors’ option, but it doesn’t make much sense to login as different users to create different blocks in the menus…

3 Answers

You could maybe choose to use a tree like that:

  • Fruits
    • Color1
      • Apple
      • Watermelon
    • Color2
      • Banana
      • Lemon
  • Level1
    • Level2
      • Level3

This way, you can, in your theme, hide the second level.

Hope that helps.

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