I currently have a plugin that lets me display a random post in a widget. The problem is that if I activate w3 total cache it will only display that post as long as the cache hasn’t been cleared. Is there a way to cache everything except this plugin?

Sorry if the question is rather newbie, I just installed the plugin but haven’t been able to find the answer anywhere.

Thanks in advance!

1 Answer

You can try fragment caching, from plugin’s FAQ:

Edit your templates to with the following syntax to ensure that dynamic features remain so:
Example 1:
<!-- mfunc any PHP code --><!-- /mfunc -->
Example 2:
<!-- mfunc -->any PHP code<!-- /mfunc -->
Example 3:
<!--MFUNC           -->
                                      echo rand();
<!--/mfunc -->
Example 4:
<!-- mclude path/to/file.php --><!-- /mclude -->
Example 5:
<!-- mclude -->path/to/file.php<!-- /mclude -->

But my personal opinion is just to get rid of overly dynamic stuff. Unless it’s key functionality (like in e-commerce) it’s usually useless eye candy.

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