List Multisite Users

Using wp-cli(1) If I run wp user list I get a list of the users (2 admins in my case) at the top level of multisite(2).
enter image description here

List Multisite Sites’ Users

I have 25 sites with various users. Some users are in different sites as different roles.
When I use the network flag wp user list --network I get the same style report minus the roles column; but the report spans the multisite network of sites.
enter image description here

List Multisite Sites’ Users+Roles

My goal is to list all the admins of each site. This is where I am stuck. Apparently, adding the additional flag --role=administrator adds nothing to the conversation. It will run the same network report of all registered users.

Is there a combination of flags that will list the users along with their roles?



Side note: Dividing these up by site would also be handy.

1 Answer

List all the admins of each site

Side note: Dividing these up by site would also be handy.

Let’s do that here:

We can list the url of each site with:

wp site list --field=url

We can list all administrators of a given site with:

wp user list --role=administrator --url=https://example.tld/site1

These commands can be combined with e.g. xargs as suggested on the wp-cli site:

wp site list --field=url  \
  | xargs -I % wp user list --role=administrator --url=%

We might also want to use | tail --lines=+2 to skip the url header, of the first command as explained in the tail manual and answers like this one.

Thanks to @grappler for suggesting --field="url" instead of --fields="url" with | tail --lines=+2 to skip the header row.

If we want to display the url before each table:

for url in $( wp site list --field="url" ); \
do \
   echo $url; \
   wp user list --role=administrator --url=$url; \

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