Cannot access elements of json object

This is more of a json question but since it is within wordpress and is being processed by admin-ajax.php I thought it suits this forum best. I have created a standard ajax form procedure as shown below.


<form action="" method="post" id="stock-search-form" />               
     <input class="stock-search-element" type="search" name="stock-search-name" id="stock-search-id"/>
     <input class="hide-me" type="hidden" name="action" value="process_stock" />
     <button class="stock-button" name="stock-button-name" id="stock-button-id" type="send">Search</button>                
<div class="stock-table-outer"></div>


function process_stock() {
    $the_php_result = array("foo1" => "String_1", 
                            "foo2" => "String_2", 
                            "foo3" => "String_3", 
                            "foo4" => "String_4", 
                            "foo5" => "String_5", 
                            "foo6" => "String_6", 
                            "foo7" => "String_7", 
                            "foo8" => "String_8", 
                            "foo9" => "String_9", 
                            "foo10" => "String_10", 
                            "foo11" => "String_11", 
                            "foo12" => "String_12",
                            "foo13" => "String_13",
    echo json_encode($the_php_result);



function ajaxSubmit(){

var StockSymbolUI = jQuery(this).serialize();

    url: "/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php",
    data: StockSymbolUI,

return false;

The result I get returned at the front end is this:


This at first glance looks like a json object but I dont believe it is.

What I want to do is access the elements of the object, but if I give data[0] instead of data in the success of the jquery code, all I get is {, i.e. the first character of the string. I have tried using JSON.parse(data) or jQuery.parseJSON(data) as suggested elsewhere but then I get nothing returned.

Any help would be much appreciated as I have been stuck with this for a whole day…


1 Answer

The result that is currently returned is raw text, which means data[0] accesses the first element (i.e. character) of the string, which is {. Obviously, you want to turn the returned data into a JSON object. To do this, jQuery.ajax() has a nifty property called dataType, which determines the way jQuery interprets the data returned from the AJAX call. Possible values are 'xml', 'json', 'script', and 'html'. Simply set the dataType parameter to 'json' in your code and you’re set!

jQuery.ajax( {
    type: 'POST',
    url: '/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php',
    data: StockSymbolUI,
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function( data ){
        jQuery( '.stock-table-outer' ).show();
        jQuery( '.stock-table-outer' ).html( data );
} );

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