I need to edit the content on the front page of my website, but I can’t figure out -where- the front page is stored. This is the site.

Anything above “ホーム” (the stuff saying business class, kids class, etc) I can’t seem to change/find where it is stored on the server.

1 Answer

From my experience, some themes have their own setting with options to display additional information on the homepage.

To find out what’s being used for the front page, do the following:

  • Navigate to Settings > Reading
  • Under Front page displays it will show which page is being used

It’s hard to determine what your set up is like with the information you’ve given. Your best bet is to contact the theme’s author since they would know what to do. Looking at your style.css, this is the author of your theme:

Theme Name:Japan
Theme URI:http://www.viewport.co.za
Author:John Mc / Brendan P
Author URI:http://www.viewport.co.za


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