I have been working with a client to migrate a site to a new host provider. I migrated the db manually, and have run into an issue that I have never seen before. I can edit ALL existing posts, but when I try to create a new post – in the Permalink field, under “Enter title here” I see:
Permalink: ?preview=true
When I publish or save the draft, I receive: Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this post.
Also, on the posts, there is no preview button.
Steps taken in order to try to fix:
I have turned on WP_debug, which was little help for this issue.
I switched my theme to 2017 to see if there were theme conflicts occurring, no help.
I disabled all plugins after switching the theme, no help.
I compared my wp_capablities row in wp_usermeta to other existing wp_capabilities row;
I did try a sql statement to replace the admin cap, i.e.:
UPDATE wp_usermeta
SET meta_value = REPLACE( meta_value, ‘a:1:{s:13:\”administrator\”;s:1:\”1\”‘,’a:1:{s:13:\”administrator\”;b:1’ );
So now my admin cap is set to: a:1:{s:13:\”administrator\”;b:1′ )
But I am still receiving the same results.
I was hoping someone might recognize this error and be able to point out where I screwed up.